Front End, protection circuitry, back panel connections, power input module with mains filter and fuse (the Neutrik SPEAKON and XLR connectors are not connected yet)
OPS and power supply. The thick yellow wires are the power amp outputs; these wires are not bundled to avoid magnetic field issues. The power supply is placed under the OPS, allowing the power wiring to be positioned vertically, perpendicular to the signal wiring. Tuning the power wiring positions is critical for obtaining the ultimate performance.
Overall wiring and testing. The front panel compartment (defined using an optional Bud Industries internal chassis) holds the power Plitron toroidal transformers, the four rectifying bridges, the inrush current protection, the power on/standby circuit. Note the fans placed between the heatsink fins and the case side. Experimentally we noticed that these fans are more efficient if they are installed to blow air over the heatsink fins.
Glowing in the dark. Onboard LEDs are providing a quick overview of the status of various modules.
Case closed, the amp is ready to go for audition tests.